
Monday, November 11, 2019


                                                                                                                                     Flow #the best

Last year Mum surprised us with two cats.  Daithi and I had wanted a cat for ages.

Franky and Flow were soon to be part of our family. When we got home from our holiday Mum said “get in the car we have to go and pick up something”. Daithi and I jumped in to the car and went down the road. When we got there a little black cat run out the door.

We still didn’t know what was happening.  When we went inside there was a mummy cat and a kitten.  Remember the black one went outside.  One was called the Ugly cat but I thought she was beautiful.  The other one looked like a tiger. For real.

Then Mum said okay would you like a cat. We couldn’t get yes yes yes out quick enough.   But we were in for another surprise because there were only 2 kittens left. Mum thought it was a good idea to take both! Are you kidding me.  We took them before she changed her mind.

This was the beginning of two new fluffy babies in our house.  Frankie and Flow!

The cats got fatter and fatter so we stopped feeding them bad move… wake up to skinny cat’s sitting at the end of my bed.

Keep an eye out for my next story about the kittens.

Friday, November 8, 2019

daily recount

To help with my writing and keeping up with my blog I have decided to try and write a daily diary about what I am doing..I hope you like it.

31 October 2019

Did you ever feel like I just want to stay in bed and not get up today? That was me today. It was Halloween dress up day today and I thought I had decided what to wear. But after a lot of changes and Mums encouraging I decided not to dress up. Mum didn’t either. Thanks Mum.

Then I forgot my 100 nights reading sheet i finally found it and gave it to Mum I also forgot my athletics form but Mum had it for me. Not great start. I didn't feel well all day something was not right. Sometimes i feel like no matter what I do I can't get it right. I didn’t go to basketball training tonight i must be sick i love basketball i can’t wait to go to bed maybe i will wake up more than 100% and not let people down good night.

1 November 2019
We woke up early in the morning. 4 am early, yikes. Got dressed and jumped into Dads truck the rods were already on the rod holders waving in the wind. We drove for 30 minutes to our skipers( the man who drives the boat) house and then we geared up the boat and off we went. 45 minutes later we were at the boat ramp in Opito Bay. Five in the boat life jackets on ready to get hooked up.
We set the boat and we just dashed in 5 minutes I could see the boat ramp. We stopped at a rock that had bird poop all over the top off the rock. 3 fish hooked on but none of them were mine. A bad day fishing is still better than a good day on land I think that means i would rather go fishing.
We docked at Urupukapuka Island for prize giving i won a spot prize a quick bite to eat and back on the boat steaming back home. I was shattered. It was a good day and good night.
2-3 November - The Weekend
TTT day in Awanui. Bikes everywhere. The noise was awesome. It felt like the sound of the bikes were going through my body. We had lunch with my big brother Griffy. I really miss him.
So do you think I went home to rest no way. More fishing at Henderson Bay. No fish here either.

Sunday was a 90Mile Surfcasting field day. 9am-5pm Off to spot X with Dad and Daithi. I didn’t catch anything again but thats ok because I just love fishing. There was heaps of jelly [Jellyfish] out there today and when it gets on your line its a real pain. Daithi got a Trev and we had it for dinner.

4 November

Today is a new day. I’m going to be positive. I have a plan.


I went to school in black clothes OMG that did not work,

Classroom boiling aircon pumping,

after school touch training

Face melting off,

Mum to the rescue

20 juices in a box

8 kids 1 Coach happy as

Cooling off.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

natural disaster

In 1969 Santa Barbara oil rig spill and made a huge disaster spilling of 61 m’s deep oil.
Did you know that 50% of the world's oil comes from Japan this is what happened 12 10 2019
Did you know more than 50 people lost their lives to typhoon Hagibis?
Roundabout 18-30 people went missing 🔎.
It hit Japan at 10:00 GMT (7 pm) speed at 134 miles per hour.
More than 170 people have been injured so far during this Typhoon.

One woman fell to her death from a helicopter rescue attempt.
Helicopters, boats and 27,000 troops and rescue workers were deployed by the government in a major operation to assist those stranded in flooded homes across the country, including Nagano Prefecture, one of the worst-hit areas.
It was named category 2.

Thursday, October 31, 2019


Last year Mum surprised us with two cats. Daithi and I had wanted a cat for ages. 

Franky and Flow were soon to be part of our family. When we got home from our holiday Mum said “get in the car we have to go and pick up something”. Daithi and I jumped in to the car and went down the road. When we got there a little black cat run out the door.

We still didn’t know what was happening. When we went inside there was a mummy cat and a kitten. Remember the black one went outside. One was called the Ugly cat but I thought she was beautiful. The other one looked like a tiger. For real.
Then Mum said okay would you like a cat. We couldn’t get yes yes yes out quick enough. But we were in for another surprise because there were only 2 kittens left. Mum thought it was a good idea to take both! Are you kidding me. We took them before she changed her mind.

This was the beginning of two new fluffy babies in our house. Frankie and Flow!
Keep an eye out for my next story about the kittens.

Friday, October 25, 2019


So many fishing stories to choose from not sure where to start.

Fishing has always been a part of our family. My Dad is a keen as fisherman. Sometimes I think too keen getting my brothers and I out of bed far too early on a Sunday morning. Mum doesn’t come very often. But I have heard stories that she often outfished Dad!!

My true fishing journey started about 3 years ago.
The Club
Dad joined my brother Daithi and I up to the Ninety Mile Surfcasting Fishing Club. They have field days about every two weeks on a Sunday throughout the year. Last year we joined my best mate Leyton up to the club too.
The fishing club that me and my dad fish in really likes new members and we are slowly getting more juniors. What I like about the club is that the size for fish we are allowed to catch is bigger than the National size you are allowed to catch. So you have to put all of your small fish back. Thats great for keeping fish sotck up. Snapper have to be 35cm, Kahawai 40cm and Trevally 40cm. Dad and I always keep enough for a feed and then give fish away. 
National Jnr Records

On the 10th of September 2017, I landed the biggest fish for NZ small fry [thats little fella] caught from the shore. Its also my biggest fish so far. It was a wopping 18.71kgs, a yellowtail kingfish or Seriola lalandi caught off East Beach Kamuamu on 8kg line. It took me about half and hour to land it. My arms were so sore. Dad always tells me and my brother that your rod, your fish, you reel it in. I was sick the next few days because I got so cold and wet. But man what a day!


We certainly fed the whanau with some of that. I didn’t get to enjoy much of my because you know what our place got robbed and the silly billies took my King Fish Chops from the freezer. Worse still they stole mine and my brothers fishing wetsuits. I was gutted.

Just recently I have caught a 9kg snapper off the Ninety Mile beach. It is also a National record and I got a prize from Black Magic Tackle. A cool cap and a instagram post.

Rubbish… We need to keep our beaches clean and there is just too much rubbish out there. How do we help? Take it home pick it up and be tidy Kiwi’s. In the 2019 snapper bonanza I won a prize not for fish but rubbish. I collected 4 big rubbish bags filled at the same spot it was chocka. Bag after bag peew it was stinky but it helped the planet so it was not a waste of time and I found a bullet. Good score.

Anyway I hope you like my story. If you want to know more about fishing or joining our club give me a shout and I will tell you. The best part about fishing is I get to spend the day with my Dad and brother trying to catch fish, out fish each other and eat sausage rolls! Take your kids fishing it will be fun.

oscar parlour

Monday, October 21, 2019


3 years ago, 2016, I started surf casting with my dad. For any that don’t know, surfcasting is fishing with a rod. Real mans fishing hehe. Dad loves fishing and even holds a NZ Record for the heaviest Stingray, 51kg. Back then my brother Daithi and I had just learnt how to bait a hook, put a rod holder in the sand and get the hook out of the fish. We did not cast my dad did all the casting and the rod setting up. Now we do it all.
There are a few rules that we follow as a whanau. We each get our own gear ready. One packs the lunch [very important] and we always have minties! One helps Dad get the gear ready and we always have a hot milo for the drive up the beach. At the end of the day we have to clean all the gear and make sure the Truck is cleaned too. If we have a fish on it is our responsibility to reel it in! Our rod our fish our mahi.
I Like fishing because we always catch fish and give alot of it away. We only keep enough for our dinner for a couple of nights. Its good to share. The only thing we dont share are our secret fishing spots. We do most of our fishing on the mighty 90 Mile Beach Far North New Zealand. Te Onero-a-tahi.

Roll on one year 2017 I was on East beach sitting in the truck when my dad yelled ‘oscar OSCAR OSCAR OSCAR’ I ran as fast as I could. I needed my dad to get the rod out of the rod holder. 20 minutes later my arm felt like they were going to fall off. Then my dad said ‘it's a stingray’ then ‘its a shark’ then he could see a yellow tail and said ‘it’s a kingfish’. Its a freakin beast a record fish.
It was a 18.71kg Yellow Tail Kingfish. I was knackered by the time I got it in. My arms were sore, my 

back was sore, my everything was sore but I will soooooo happy.
It was a really cold windy day and I was freezing but I wasnt going to let it our of my sight.
It was the start of a new passion for fishing. My brother and I have lots more stories to tell about fishing and this is a good place to start..
I hope you like my story and I will write again soon about our fishing adventures.
Tight lines and fishing hookup your friend Oscar..

Thursday, September 5, 2019


Monday, September 2, 2019

Kauri tree life cycle

WALT find info for the life cycle of a kauri tree.

I did not know that their are male and female cones.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

how to play basketball


Do you really think you can just play basketball, NO!

Well you can have a go but it takes time and skills to have a really amazing game. But if you are passionate about the game and want to learn how to play, you can do it.

Bounce One. Get it, instead of step 1?
Get some players and make them into even teams of five per team not all the good ones in a team and bad ones in a team. There are also a point guard that gets the ball down the court, power ford the go for lay up and they drive, centaur they manly just pass the ball Mix it up a bit have some faith in your players.

You will need someone that knows all the rules, has a whistle or can whistle. This helps to keep the game safe and enjoyable. Get your ref to throw the ball up straight, it is called a tip off and the start of the game.

You try to hit the ball back to your team and they bounce the ball to the hoop. That’s where you get the goals and points. You can switch hands as you dribble but it’s not that easy. There are now defenders.

Now you need to get the ball down the court. So you can whiua te poro and you can dribble what would you do? This is where you need to be able to read the game and look ahead to your team. I would choose to pass because… it gets down faster and do you what to be a ball hog?
Now you have just scored so you are now on defence
So get down low, arms out wide and stay in front of your opponent. Move your legs but don't walk like you normally do. Walk like a crab 🦀.

Now how to score. So you need to learn the places there is outside ark shoot that is a 3, or you can shoot inside the ark which is a 2 pointer. Now there's a twist if you get hit as you are shooting it is a foul or hara.

I am still learning how to play basketball and it's so much fun. I have some really amazing coaches.

I am learning to be a ref also I am playing on Friday nights and in a rep team.

Now you can play.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

maths slide

this was hard but having a head start is a good well head start.

Monday, July 29, 2019


Walt round and compensate decimals.
this was really easy because i'm in the top maths group  

    -0.4   +0.4         +0.6 -0.6
1a.  3.4 + 1.6           3.4 + 1.6
3+2=5                      4+1=5

 -0.2  +0.2               -0.1 +0.1
B.  4.2 + 0.9             4.2 + 0.9
4+1.1=5.1                   4.1 +1=5.1
 -0.2 +0.2                  -0.5 +0.5
C. 7.2 + 4.5                7.2 + 4.5
7+4.7=11.7                  5.7 +5=10.7

-0.2   +0.2               -0.0 +0.0
D. 12 + 0.8               12 + 0.8
11.8+1=12.8              12 +0.8=12.8

-0.2    =0.2                 -0.3 +0.3
E. 13.2 + 5.7               13.2 + 5.7
13+5.9=18.9                 12.9 +6=18.9
 -0.3    +0.3           -0.2 +0.2
F. 10.3 + 0.8                10.3 + 0.8
10+1.1=11.1                   10.1+1=11.1
  -0.2    +0.2           +0.4 -0.4
G. 15.6 + 11.8           15.6 + 11.8
15.4+12=27.4               16+11.4=27.4
 -0.1    +0.1           -0.3 +0.3
H. 12.3 + 9.9             12.3 + 9.9
12.2+10=22.2            12+9.6=21.6

-0.4       +0.4       -0.5 +0.5
I.  20.4 + 19.5            20.4 + 19.5
20+19.9=39.9             19.9+20=30.9

-0.1     +0.1           -0.4 +0.4
J. 18.1 + 8.6             18.1 + 8.6
   18+8.7=267            17.7+9=26.7

Anzac map

W.A.l.T find were the Anzac's  and were they were from.
This was hard with the lines but my buddy Harlen helped me.

on the tail of the taniwha

W.A.L.T pick words from the text and find out what they mean
this was fun and some good work. 😃{means we know what it means} ☹️[mean we don't know]

Monday, June 24, 2019

quality blog comments

  W.A.l.T  writ quality blog comments to other people for example.↴

this was fun and I learnt lots like Harlen has some good leader quality.  

Thursday, June 20, 2019


W.A.L.T identify all of our leader skills and sharing it to you guys.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Isabel thank you letter

this was probably the 2nd easiest thing i had to do
Walt send thank you letters to different people
Dear Isabel

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to go snorkelling where there are so much fish.

The highlight of my day was when we were on the beach, we got our flippers and masks on and slowly waddled into the salty water. Splash we all dived into the crystal clear water. I was going down like an elevator getting onto the sea floor, catching a glimpse of a 20 pound snapper feeding on pipis. Afterwards I come up for a breath. Wow there was so much to see.

I would like to say one huge thank you again for the experience of a lifetime.

Yours sincerely,
Oscar Parlour

ANZAC paster

WALT:ask and answer ANZAC question.

This was hard and easy to do it when I looked it up on google. #GOOGLE  

tokorou beach

On Friday the 29th of March all of Te Kauri and Te Manga were heading out to Whatuwhiwhi. We were going to learn about marine reserves and what that means.

Then the sky opened up and man did it pour. Will we have to stay at school or do we get to go? YES we are going. We all loaded onto the bus and off we went.

When we got there we all sat on the tarpaulin eagerly waiting for our instructions. Five minutes later my group were all in squishy tight wetsuits getting ready to jump into the water. Ohh it looks freezing. When we were on the beach we got our flippers and masks on and slowly waddled into the salt water. Splash we all dive into the crystal clear water I was going down like a elevator getting onto the sea floor catching a glimpse of a 20 pound snapper feeding on pipis. Should have bought my rod. Then I come up for a breath. Wow there is so much to see.

Walt writ the things that we sour 

this was interesting to do

A marine reserve is a place that you can not take anything not even a tiny shell. It’s all protected. This helps to regenerate or build up the sea life from fish to shellfish even seaweed.So no I can’t go back there with my rod and catch the snapper. Hes protected and need to grow and make little snappers. So lets make sure we dont take anything from marine reserves. I want to see lots more sealife.

We all had an awesome day. Now i want to become a marine biologist.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Up skiling sentences

WALT up skill sentences EG: the girl jumped in a field.

Happily, the young, silly girl pounced into the wet, Prickly field before she fell face first into a ditch.

Monday, May 6, 2019


WALT: times with big numbers

BY oscar

Friday, April 5, 2019

maths buddy osp

Walt: shear are leaning with screencastify   

by oscar

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

marine reserve

WALT make google slides and publish them hope you engorged. 

This was really easy but it was long.

Friday, March 15, 2019

report writing

WALT get facts down about one marine animal

Mahi mahi have a lot of predators the swordfish is one they will wait for them until they are side on and zoom at them staping them. The sailfish will do the same but hit the bigger ones. Tuna dog tooth tuna will take a big bit out of them with their teeth. Wahoo just wait until they die they will take it from other predators to.

This fishy fishy can breed in up to 5-100 meters deep thay lay 1,000,000 eggs in they life in a year they make 5-8 eggs. They like to go were there
are a lot of girl mahi mahis.

They have a diet of flying fish,crab,squid,mackerel and forage fish, forage fish and just juice different type of small fish,When they are lucky they will get eaten.                                                                                     

Friday, March 1, 2019

maths side

all about me

momet in time


Water splashing up as the lifeboat speeds thought the water. The huge breakers make us airborne flying almost two meters high, Teeming with excitement as we whack the grand full speed, drifting in the water and making giant donuts as we jetted. We were getting shocked by the hoses, it tastes like fish pee. Then I have realised that the rihp boats were not scary, They were unbelievable.

BY Oscar

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

swim safe

Sidestroke, I can breath really easy with it because my head is up above the water. All you have to do is head on your streamline arm, scissor kick and done.

Walt swim differently   

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

te reo

W.A.L.T Ask, answer and translate Te reo and extend our reo to make sure its quality. We were banned from using easy Maori vocab like mama and papa.
This was really fun creating my mini doodles but the most important thing was getting this out for you boys and girls so you can learn Te reo, I really got stuck with using Maori vocab.