- Coding (Snap4Arduino) and Arduino Boards
In Term 3, the students have been continuing their STEAM learning using the STEAM Electronics kits. They have been learning how to block code using the program Snap4Arduino. The purpose of this learning has been for the students to control one or more LED lights on an electronic arduino board using code. Each week the coding expectation increased and the students showed perseverance in achieving successful outcomes!
Learning Goal 1. To make an LED blink off/on by controlling voltage from 0V to 5V by programming the Arduino.
Learning Goal 2. To change the speed of blinking to such a high rate that the LED appears to be dimmer.
Learning Goal 3. To make the LED fade on and off by varying the voltage
2018 - Term 3 STEAM - ‘Coding and Arduino Boards’ Reflective Questions
1. What was I learning and why?
I was learning to make a light blink on and of using 1-5 lights with one board and why to learn more about this fun and interesting thing.
2. What did I do well and how do I know?
I did well in the lights and code because every time i made it blink all by myself and
Lochie my bartner.
3. What challenged me ……?
That i was asked for help a little bit of the time but i still had to do my snap4Arduino
board so i needed to work fast and speedy.
4. What would I do differently next time to make my learning more successful ….. ?
5. What have I enjoyed about the learning? I enjoyed learning about the lights and how to work them so they can flash one by
one in order.